À partir d’un travail poussé à l’extrême sur l’anatomie,
amorcé dès 1988,
la coupe s’affirme et le jean se métamorphose.
« Le jean classique est mort. »
Le volume prend son autonomie ; il s’échappe du corps.
Le pantalon n’a que faire de la différence des sexes.
Il provoque des attitudes et crée un langage formel :
attitudes futuristes, poches sculptées dans le denim, position des mains déplacées,
découpes morphologiques, mutations des proportions…
Campagne « Mytholojean » printemps été 1989 © William Laxton
Starting from some extreme work on the human anatomy begun in 1988,
the cut started to assert itself and jeans underwent
a metamorphosis.
“Classic jeans are dead.”
Volume comes into its own; it escapes from the body.
Trousers no longer care about the difference between the sexes.
They provoke new attitudes and create a formal language:
futuristic attitudes, pockets sculpted in the denim,
positions of the hands moved,
morphological cuts, changes in the proportions…
Starting from some extreme work on the human anatomy begun in 1988,
the cut started to assert itself and jeans underwent
a metamorphosis.
“Classic jeans are dead.”
Volume comes into its own; it escapes from the body.
Trousers no longer care about the difference between the sexes.
They provoke new attitudes and create a formal language:
futuristic attitudes, pockets sculpted in the denim,
positions of the hands moved,
morphological cuts, changes in the proportions…