Jeudi 25 octobre 2012, inauguration de l’exposition L’AUTRE JEAN
consacrée à 40 ans de travail de MARITHE+FRANCOIS GIRBAUD.
Le musée a accueilli 800 personnes qui se pressaient pour découvrir
innovations et images présentées dans une scénographie époustouflante.
La soirée fut ponctuée par des prestations d’artistes qui se tenaient
dans différentes zones du musée.
Sylvain Michel, un joueur de Hangaccueillait les invités dans le jardin
entouré de deux grands-bis et de trois BMX Flat.
Dans la salle des cycles, la harpiste Valletti hypnotisait au son de sa harpe électrique,
Ricky Ford (saxo) et Rassul Siddik (trompette) se produisaient dans différents espaces
selon les heures tout comme les guitaristes de Rue des Deux Amis.
Soirée marquée par la couleur bleue de la façade au cocktail
préparé par Sébastien Dérail.
Thursday October 25th 2012, inauguration of the exhibition THE OTHER JEAN,
dedicated to 40 years of work from MARITHE+FRANCOIS GIRBAUD.
The museum welcomed 800 people who flocked to see
the innovations and images presented in a stunning setting.
The evening featured performances by artists held in different areas of the museum.
Hang player, Sylvain Michel welcomed guests in the garden,
surrounded by two big special bikes from the 19th century (Grand-Bi) and three BMX Flat bikes.
In the cycle room, the harpist, Valletti was mesmerizing on her electric harp, Ricky Ford (sax)
and Rassul Siddik (trumpet) performed in different areas, according
to the time, just like the guitarists from “Rue des Deux Amis”.
A blue-themed evening, from the façade to the cocktail prepared by Sébastien Dérail.
Thursday October 25th 2012, inauguration of the exhibition THE OTHER JEAN,
dedicated to 40 years of work from MARITHE+FRANCOIS GIRBAUD.
The museum welcomed 800 people who flocked to see
the innovations and images presented in a stunning setting.
The evening featured performances by artists held in different areas of the museum.
Hang player, Sylvain Michel welcomed guests in the garden,
surrounded by two big special bikes from the 19th century (Grand-Bi) and three BMX Flat bikes.
In the cycle room, the harpist, Valletti was mesmerizing on her electric harp, Ricky Ford (sax)
and Rassul Siddik (trumpet) performed in different areas, according
to the time, just like the guitarists from “Rue des Deux Amis”.
A blue-themed evening, from the façade to the cocktail prepared by Sébastien Dérail.